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本文轉錄自 http://www.drmarty.com/feeding.htm Dr. Marty 的餵食建議
Q: What should I feed my pet for best health?
A: Aim for the Ideal
Diet decisions are not a matter of right or wrong. If you understand what is ideal, you can then create a feeding program that will help move your pet closer to the healthiest diet options. In general, the more real food your dogs and cats eat, the healthier they will be.
The chart below outlines how our feeding choices for our pets (companion carnivores) can affect their health. The closer to the upper level choices, the better the chance for optimal health. You will likely be in the middle ranges most of the time. That is fine, as long as you always press toward the ideal.
Ideal - Healthiest
1. Hunted, raw prey (not realistic in modern society)
2. Fresh raw meats, bones, organ meats with very small amounts of fresh vegetables. Include a well-rounded vitamin/mineral mix and omega 3 essential fatty acids (salmon oil). You can prepare your own raw diet using meat/bone pieces and parts, or you can use pre-prepared ground products such as Bravo! and Nature’s Variety.
3. Fresh cooked meats, calcium, organ meat, with very small amounts of fresh vegetables. Include a vitamin/mineral mix, and omega 3 essential fatty acids (salmon oil). There are several books on the market that help you create your own home-cooked diet. It’s best to follow the recipes in these books.
4. Ultra Premium commercial canned foods and augmented with some fresh, raw foods. Canned foods, which are lower in carbohydrates, are much better for your pet than dry kibble. Some of the brands I like are Nature’s Variety, Merrick, and Evanger’s. These products are mostly meat, are usually grain-free, and very low in carbohydrates. The meat they use is human quality and they do not use by-products or chemical preservatives.
5. As in #4 above, but adding fresh cooked foods
6. Ultra Premium canned commercial foods WITHOUT fresh raw or cooked foods added
7. Super Premium canned foods are very much like the brands above, but they use more grains. They still use good quality meats and don't contain by-products. Brand examples: Solid Gold, Innova, Pet Promise.
8. Super Premium grain-free dry food (kibble) like Instinct by Nature’s Variety
9. Premium canned foods. These brands use substantially less meat. Water is often the number 1 ingredient (in the Ultra Premium brands meat is the number one ingredient), they use meat by-products (poor quality waste parts) and they usually contain significant amounts of grains and chemical preservatives. Often, if all the grains are added together, they would equal or exceed the meat. The meat quality is OK, but just barely.
10. Super Premium kibble like Innova, Prairie, Canidae, and Timberwolf
11. Grocery store brands – canned or dry. These contain very little meat, are made with substantial amounts of meat by-products, and primarily consist of grain and grain by-products. The rendered meat used in these products came from condemned animals, ie – animals that were deemed unfit for human consumption. These products normally contain artificial colors, flavors and chemical preservatives.
Worst - Unhealthy
問: 我應該怎麼餵養我的寵物,以取得最佳的健康?
答: 朝向理想方向
1. 狩獵,原始獵物(在現代社會並不實際)
2. 新鮮生肉,骨頭,動物內臟非常少量的新鮮蔬菜。包括完善全面的維生素/礦物質組合和歐米加3必需脂肪酸(鮭魚油)。你可以自己準備的新鮮的肉/骨頭碎片和內臟,或者可以使用已處理好的基礎產品,如Bravo! 與 Nature’s Variety.
3. 新鮮熟肉,鈣,器官肉,極少量的新鮮蔬菜。包括維生素/礦物質,歐米加3必需脂肪酸(鮭魚油)。市場上有幾本書可以幫助您創造自己的家庭烹調飲食。最好是按照這些食譜書的方式烹調。
4. 頂級商業罐頭食品加上一些生鮮的食物。低碳水化合物的罐頭食品比乾燥食品更好。Nature’s Variety, Merrick, and Evanger’s 這些是我喜歡的品牌之一。這些產品主要是成份肉類,通常是無穀且非常低碳水化合物。他們使用的肉是人類使用等級,不使用副產品或化學防腐劑。
5. 如4所說,但加入新鮮熟食
6. 頂級商業罐頭食品, 未加任何生鮮食物或是新鮮熟食補充
7. 超優質商業罐頭食品內容物很接近上面的品牌,但他們使用更多的穀類。他們仍舊使用優質的肉類, 但不包含的副產品。例如以下品牌:Solid Gold, Innova, Pet Promise.
8. 超優質無穀脫水乾燥食品,如 Nature’s Variety.
9. 優質罐頭食品。這些品牌,主要成份不是肉, 水通常是1號成分(在頂級品牌肉是頭號成分),他們使用肉類副產品(廢棄的食材來源品質差),通常含有大量的穀物和化學防腐劑。將這類罐頭內含的所有穀物和添加物加在一起的成份會等於或超過肉類。內含的肉質還不錯, 但只是勉強及格的程度。
10. 超優質乾燥飼料例如Innova, Prairie, Canidae (卡比), and Timberwolf (草本魔力)
11. 雜貨店品牌-罐裝或乾燥食品。這些品牌內容包含非常少的肉,而且使用大量肉類副產品,主要成份包括穀物和穀物的副產品。所使用的肉類品質來自於不合格被淘汰的動物肉品,即被認為不適宜供人食用的肉品。這些產品通常含有人工色素,香料和化學防腐劑。
翻譯完了, 頭髮又白了好幾根.
如作者所說, 飲食方式沒有絕對的好壞, 只有適不適合.
學習自己看成份, 大品牌不見得等於好品牌. (如何選購優質的寵物飼料)
依自己的能力和生活習慣, 選擇一個和貓狗生活的最佳飲食計畫才是屬於自己的完美.
後記: 福安的飲食從 1.獵食活老鼠 掉到 10.卡比, 難怪她要跟我抗議啊 ....
好歹, 阿木每天有給一餐 6.ziwipeak頂級貓罐 咩
賀啦~阿木會再努力, 往前提升, 弄個 3.新鮮熟食 給你們吃....至於生食, 就饒了我吧!!
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