認識的狗狗愈來愈多了, 那就連狗狗的營養補充品一起翻譯吧!
狗狗的營養需求雖然不像貓那麼多規矩, 不代表可以隨心所欲跟我們一起享受香雞排.
過多的調味料, 色素, 化學防腐劑同樣會影響他們的健康 (當然也包括我們的健康).
其實, 如果主人願意買狗狗專用食譜, 學習狗狗營養學, 親自下廚是最好的, 必竟, 飼料只是方便餵食之道.
如果沒時間, 那就取方便之道, 飲食計畫沒有最好的, 只有最適合的囉!
這款狗狗的綜合膳食營養品, 屬於 Whole food blend, 也就是全部由天然食物中萃取, 不但有綜合維他命, 還包含了必需脂肪酸, 酵素和礦物質, 是一罐全方位的營養補充品, 而且味道芬芳, 灑在飯上, 狗狗愛吃. 在國外廣受好評.
在IHERB上看到時, 貼給養狗的朋友看, 聽說國內曾有人販售, 一罐要幾張小朋友的樣子.
不過勒, IHERB 就是體貼, 我們看到價格時, 真正感到揪甘心, 以現在的美金匯率, 別說一張小朋友, 連半張都不用啊!
Flora, Udo's Choice, Pet Essentials for Dogs, 16 oz (454 g)
Our price: $16.63 4 for $63.19 12 for $179.60
Description 產品說明
- All Vegetarian 純素食
- Nutritional Support for Pets 寵物營養補充
- EFAs, Fiber, Enzymes & Phytonutrients 必需脂肪酸, 纖維, 酵素, 植物營養素
- Dietary Supplement 日常膳食補充劑
Udos Choice Pet Essentials for Dogs is rich in certified organic seeds, whole foods, herbs, greens, trace minerals, and phytonutrients in their unaltered, natural state to give your pet optimum nutrition for maintaining an active, energetic lifestyle. Fiber and enzymes help maintain regularity and support the digestive system. Organic flax seeds support the cardiovascular system, help maintain good muscle tone, and promote a healthy skin and glossy coat. Greens are rich in chlorophyll, minerals, and trace elements. Pet Essentials contains no fillers, binders, or other non-nutrient ingredients. It has no preservatives or additives and is nitrogen-packed to ensure freshness. Refrigerate after opening.
Add the following amount of Pet Essentials each day to your pet's regular food. Give animal free access to water.
依照以下寵物精華的建議份量添加在您的寵物日常飲食中. 並隨時給予動物自由飲水.
Weight of Animal 動物體重 | Daily Amount 每日份量 |
Up to 15 lbs. 15磅以下 | 1 teaspoon 一茶匙 |
15-35 lbs. 15-35磅 | 2 teaspoons 二茶匙 |
35-70 lbs. 35-70磅 | 3 teaspoons 三茶匙 |
over 70 lbs. 超過70磅 | 4 teaspoons 四茶匙 |
Each 16 oz. (454 g) contains a proprietary blend of: Udo's Seed Cake (flax seed*, defatted flax seed*, sunflower seed*, defatted sunflower seed*, sesame seed*, defatted sesame seed*, rice germ, rice bran, oat germ, oat bran), rice bran, carrot, whole golden flaxseed* , tomato, ginger, sprouted soybean, barley grass*, beet, chrysanthemum, Digestive Enzyme Blend (protease, lipase, amylase, cellulase, maltase, glucoamylase, invertase, pectinase, phytase, lactase), lemon grass, parsley, alfalfa*, artichoke, broccoli, burdock, hawthorn berry, kale, kelp*, milk thistle, red clover, yucca schidigera extract, dandelion root, dandelion leaf, oat grass, rosemary, sage, thyme, rye grass*, bee pollen, chlorella, dulse*.
* Certified Organic.
每16盎司(454克)含有以下專利配方 : Udo's Seed Cake (亞麻種子 *,脫脂亞麻籽 *,向日葵籽*,脫脂葵花籽*,芝麻籽*,脫脂芝麻*,米胚芽,米糠,燕麥胚芽,燕麥麩),米糠,胡蘿蔔,整個黃金亞麻籽 *,西紅柿,生薑,發芽大豆,大麥草*,甜菜,菊花,消化酵素配方(蛋白酶,脂肪酶,澱粉酶,纖維素酶,麥芽糖酶,糖化酶,轉化酶,果膠酶,植酸酶,乳糖酶),檸檬草,香菜,苜蓿*,朝鮮薊,花椰菜,牛蒡,山楂漿果,羽衣甘藍,海帶 *,奶薊,紅三葉,絲蘭提取物,蒲公英根,蒲公英葉,燕麥草,迷迭香,鼠尾草,百里香,黑麥草 *,蜂花粉,綠藻,紅皮藻*.
For Optimum Results: Double daily amount for 60 days and add 1/2 teaspoon of Udo's Choice Oil Blend. Refrigerate after opening and use within 90 days.
為獲得最佳的效果: Double daily amount for 60 days and add 1/2 teaspoon of Udo's Choice Oil Blend. (這句該這麼翻譯啊!) 開封後冷藏90天內使用.
Security sealed for your production. Do not use if seal is missing or damaged
如產品未安全密封, 瓶蓋損壞或是遺失, 請勿使用.